Energy Healing

For those looking for clarity, release, and balance. Our intuitive energy healer uses various modalities such as Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, and stones within her guided practice to give you personalized holistic healing. Experience a reset that will give you peace of mind.


Energy Healing Treatments

Stress Melt Body-Mind Connection: Energy + Body Healing Therapy

This is a truly special treatment if you want to alleviate stress or trauma, improve your mental performance, and ease tension naturally.

Each healing session with Lori is an alchemy of energy/body healing tools, methods, and modalities, all personalized to your unique journey.

As your guide, Lori will help you gain greater awareness; set clear intentions; clear patterns, programming, and traumas that are no longer serving you; and return to an embodied divine state of physical and energetic equilibrium— divine holistic harmony.

The benefits of an energy healing session are many. It may:
- Improve sleep
- Reduce pain
- Aid in circulation
- Boost brain health
- And calm the nervous system (ie, anxiety)


Divine Healing for Teens (Remote)

Teenagers have been asked to reinvent all they know about school, socializing, and the dynamics within their homes. These changes can slowly begin to block their normal flow. It is easy to feel anxious, lost, isolated, unfocused, and uninspired. COVID has thrown us all from our centers and has hit teens especially hard.

Our center settles our emotions and helps us to feel empowered inspired and connected to what and who we love. Without it, we are easily influenced negatively by others and the world around us.

This beautiful healing tunes into their chakra & auric body systems as well as the physical body to assist in releasing where blocks & patterns have been formed. Allowing them to return to their ease & light, feeling more grounded, safe, and motivated. It helps teens reconnect more deeply to their heart and their life force and therefore feel greater inner
strength and inspiration.

The session is full of affirmations, sounds, deep relaxation, and a soothing ear.


Divine Healing for Teens (Tribeca)

Teenagers have been asked to reinvent all they know about school, socializing, and the dynamics within their homes. These changes can slowly begin to block their normal flow. It is easy to feel anxious, lost, isolated, unfocused, and uninspired. COVID has thrown us all from our centers and has hit teens especially hard.

Our center settles our emotions and helps us to feel empowered inspired and connected to what and who we love. Without it, we are easily influenced negatively by others and the world around us.

This beautiful healing tunes into their chakra & auric body systems as well as the physical body to assist in releasing where blocks & patterns have been formed. Allowing them to return to their ease & light, feeling more grounded, safe, and motivated. It helps teens reconnect more deeply to their heart and their life force and therefore feel greater inner strength and inspiration.

The session is full of affirmations, sounds, deep relaxation, and a soothing ear.
