How To Take Care of Yourself: The Onda Guide

How To Take Care of Yourself: The Onda Guide

While Valentine's Day marks a moment to celebrate romantic love and show how much you care for others, in the words of the great Lucille Ball, “You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” With that mantra in mind, we want to turn the spotlight back on self-care and ask ourselves “How do I take care of myself?”.

What is self-care?

The clue is in the name. While we can often get swept up in caring for our friends, family, and colleagues, working to ensure their happiness and wellbeing, we need to remember to carve out time to take care of ourselves.

The idea of what self-care is obviously varies depending on who you ask. For some, it may mean a long, solitary run around the reservoir, for others an indulgent dinner paired with the perfect glass of Pinot. Ultimately, self-care means creating the space to discover and do things that make you feel good, both physically, mentally, and emotionally

For us at Onda Beauty, self-care also means incorporating health- and wellness-boosting rituals into every part of our daily life–because when you feel good, you look good, but you also do good.

How to build a self-care routine

As with anything, creating and implementing your own self-care routine requires some planning and discipline, but once you get in the swing of things and integrate these self-affirming practices into your daily schedule, you will never look back. Here are some starter self-care tips that are easy to adopt:

  • Focusing on mornings and evenings can be helpful when you are just starting out on your self-care journey. Wake up just a little bit earlier, and–instead of turning on your phone–make time for meditation, journaling, or some breathwork to prepare yourself for the busy day ahead. Repeat these grounding practices before bedtime to help you take stock of the day, celebrate your achievements (however small!), and wind down. 
  • Identify your self-care needs and wellness goals to prioritize changes in your routine. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed and need to settle and center a restless monkey mind. At any time of day, a 10-minute yoga break can help release tension and clear the mind. Or maybe you’re feeling uninspired and unmotivated and need to tap back into your creativity. Activate the right side of your brain through a podcast, a book, or a new artistic endeavor. 
  • Elevate the everyday with small but meaningful tweaks and ‘capsule’ routines that combine daily to-do tasks with self-care rituals. While you are brushing your teeth, practice gratitude and set your intentions for the day. Use your work commute to learn something new or take the longer route so you can sneak in some steps and soak up some sun (and grab some Vitamin D to boot).

All of these small things will help bring more mindfulness into mundane moments and make you feel more present and connected.

Onda’s 5 favorite everyday self-care tips

From waking-up to bedtime, from washing your face to washing the dishes, there is nothing that cannot be transformed into a better-for-the-mind-body-and-spirit moment, and these are our 5 favorite self-care tips to elevate the everyday:

1. Do A Daily Face Mask

We might not have time for a weekly facial with a skincare pro, but we can all certainly find the time for a 15-minute face mask. Yes, you can make masking a part of a more comprehensive spa-at-home experience, but a quick application of a moisturizing, clarifying, brightening or even a state of the art LED face mask can also turn the mundane into a truly transformative moment. FaceTiming your mother? Face mask. Doing the laundry? Face mask. Here, four of our favorites.


2. Take a Bath Instead of a Shower

Showers are stimulating but baths are better for you. Taking a bath has been scientifically proven to improve the health of both the mind and body1. Submergence in water can calm the nervous system, reduce levels of stress and anxiety, improve mood, reduce blood pressure, boost the immune system and promote a healthy, more restful sleep. If that’s not enough to convince you, we believe there is something special about allowing yourself time to take a bath: from running the water and adding an oil or soak, to adjusting the temperature and finally submerging yourself–the process is a meditative ritual in and of itself. Make it part of your weekly self-care routine and we promise you will feel the benefits. 

Want more ideas on how to turn bath time into a weekly self-care session? Check out our live event from last week in which Onda Brand Manager and new mom Cristina walked us through her steps to making the most of her [very limited] free time. 


3. Become Your Own Massage Therapist

The power of touch is profound. It heals, nourishes and soothes, reduces stress, and boosts the immune system. While the touch of another is often the most magical, touching ourselves also has profound benefits, as it deepens the connection with our own bodies. Self-massage using warm oil has long been practiced in Ayurveda as an act of self love and a way to treat your mind, body, and spirit with the care they deserve. Make this practice of “Abhyanga” part of your regular self-care routine to check in with your body and get your skin looking smooth and radiant. After a warm bath or shower, while the skin is still damp, apply the oil from head to toe, let it absorb, then start from the feet up, using long strokes with a massage tool, for about 10-20 minutes.


4. Elevate Your Snacks and Smoothies   

Practicing mindful eating is an essential element of self-care, as our diet affects our health, mood, and skin. From choosing a healthy breakfast that not only satiates but also ignites your metabolism to swapping out that 3pm ill-advised coffee for an adaptogen-charged latte, to powering your smoothie with collagen to improve skin hydration and elasticity–these little upgrades can make a big difference. Another form of self-care? Take the time to actually sit and taste (and enjoy!) your food, free from distraction. It will not only taste better, but you will feel satisfied for longer.

5. Make Everything a Mood 

We all know a soft flickering candle can create a feeling of calm that no lightbulb can match, but it’s a scented candle that takes that feeling one step further. Aromatherapy has been used for centuries to do everything from enhance focus and improve memory to boost energy and calm anxiety. Scent also stimulates the limbic system in the brain, which controls mood, memory, behavior, and emotion. By strategically placing certain scented candles or burning incense around your home, you can create a space that nurtures good vibes only, no matter how stressful your day, or even be transported to a faraway beach or lush forest. Need some aromatherapy on the go? Apply a dab of essential oil on your pulse points and take a deep inhale.


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